RULES 2013
1. ORGANISERThe cultural association ‘De Geus’, Belgium organises every two year a cartooncontest.
2. PARTICIPATIONEvery persoon older than 16 years may participate in this contest.
3. SENDINGS INThe cartoons sent in should be original and not published before. All graphic technics are allowed. Text is not allowed.
The themes treated are
The cartoons should be drawed on solid paper of 21 cm x 29,7 cm (Din
There is no restriction of the number of sendings in.
On the backside of each cartoon the name of the cartoonist must be mentioned with his address.
4. DEADLINEThe cartoons (without passe-partout) must be solidly packed and at latest the
1st of September 2013 sent tot the following address together with the entry form:
Cartoonale ‘De Geus’ 2013, p.a. Clement Vlassenroot, Duivenkeetstraat 16, B-9280 Lebbeke, BELGIUM5. RIGHT OF PUBLICATIONParticipating in the contest the cartoondrawer agrees that the cartoons sent in will be used for an exposition as mentioned in the rules. The awarded cartoons remain property of the organisers.
6. JURYThe jury acts autonomously on awarding prizes.
There is no correspondence allowed with the jury about his decisions.
7. PRIZESBy the jury five prizes are adjudged:
1st prize : 700 Euro
2nd prize : 350 Euro
3th prize : 200 Euro
4th prize : 150 Euro
Best Belgian cartoon: 150 Euro.
8. EXPOSITION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZESThe results of the contest will be announced on Friday the 18th of October at 19.30 h in gallery ‘De Fontein’.
A selection of the cartoons will be exposed in art gallery ‘De Fontein’ in Lebbeke on the 19th and 26th October (14.00-18.00 hours), and on the 20th and 27th of October (10.00-12.00 and 14.00-18.00 hours).
9. SENDING BACKThe cartoons will be sent back only if it is marked on the entry form.
The organisator is not responsible neither for lost nor for damaged cartoons during the sending in and sending back.
10. By his or her participation the artist agrees with these rules.
Entry-form and rules in languages on